Shendas' Hideout
Why, hello there...
I guess I am supposed to tell something about myself here, now that you've found your way into my hiding place.
I am a 42-year-old engineer from Tampere, Finland. I studied Computer Science (Digital and Computer Systems, Signal Processing, Communication Networks and Protocols) at Tampere University of Technology. So far I've had various jobs in the software development business, both before and after graduating. If you want to see what I've done and where I've worked, check my CV.
During my free time I like to do some handicrafts and play computer and console games. The games I play are mostly RPGs, with some FPSs and adventure games in the mix. I also enjoy snowboarding when the weather allows, and reading no matter what the weather is like. :)
In the Internet I usually go by the name of Shendas, hence the title of this site.
Contact info
Easiest way to get in touch with me is to use /msg Shendas @IRCnet. If you have no clue what that means, check the CV for other contact info. :)
Site info
This is a slightly modified version of Andreas Viklund's template. Changed the colors and added some submenus to make it work better for my purposes.
© 2011-2025 Peeta Kiikka | Template design by Andreas Viklund