Shendas' Hideout

Home of Peeta Kiikka

Project done

November 20th 2009

Velvet Skirt


Front side of the skirtBack side of the skirt

Why a velvet skirt?

As everyone who is familiar with me knows, I am not a skirt or dress person. I prefer jeans, and just do not feel comfortable wearing a skirt. Might be just lack of practice though... However I own a pair of Nemonic boots (that I call elven boots or "haltiasaappaat" in Finnish :) ), that definitely would look better with a skirt. I also happened to find this really pretty velvet from Eurokangas and decided I'd make my second skirt ever (the first one I made in 2007 and I wore it to a friend's wedding).

Nemonic elven boots

Nemonic elven boots, "haltiasaappaat".

The pattern I used is a simple A-line skirt (A-linjainen hame) from Joka tyypin kaavakirja. Two pieces, back and front with a third piece on the waist. I wanted to add a little something to my skirt to make it less plain. Since my new sewing machine (finishing the Master's Thesis/graduation present from my mother) had these embroidering patterns, I also wanted to test them out.

Testing embroidering on the sewing machine

Testing a few embroidering patterns on Husqvarna Emerald 183

They look rather nice, but I also found an embroidered leaf patch I had bought earlier simply because I liked it. I used the machine embroidering on two back pockets and the leaf I added to a single front pocket.

Back pocketFront pocket

Back pocket (the other one is mirror image) and front pocket.

Front side of the skirtFinished skirt from the front.

Back side of the skirtFinished skirt from the back.

© 2011-2025 Peeta Kiikka | Template design by Andreas Viklund