Shendas' Hideout

Home of Peeta Kiikka

Project done

Autumn 1997 - Spring 1998

Quilt Blanket


Quilt blanket close up

Quilt blanket

I made the quilt blanket at school during the 9th grade. I did a lot of it at home too, since I couldn't have finished it if I only worked on it during classes. The pattern is called Pineapple (Ananas) and it is constructed by making squares by alternatively sewing strips on and then cutting the corners, with the final pieces being triangles. From the squares the whole pattern is assembled. There are some nice instructions on how exactly this is done. The pictures are probably a lot clearer than my written explanation. :)

My main colors were plain blue and two flowery fabrics; one with small red, pink and blue flowers (we have curtains made from the same fabric at our summer cottage x)), and the other with bigger shapes in blues, purples and greens. I also had some green and pink fabric. The pink I used only in two of the total of 16 squares, to add some details and make it more interesting.

The final quilting was all done by hand, and took a rather long time to do as I recall. x)

Quilt blanket Quilt blanket Quilt blanket close up

Square with green in the middle, 14/16

Quilt blanket close up

Square with pink in the middle, 2/16

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